Sprint 3 Retrospective

For the last sprint, the main objective, from a frontend perspective, was adding some final touches to the code and making documentation for next years group. My biggest objective however for this sprint was to get semantic versioning to work. Semantic versioning, in simple terms, allows us to make version tags for any ne codeContinue reading “Sprint 3 Retrospective”

The Long Road

For this week’s additional blog post, I have decided to look at the apprenticeship pattern “The Long Road”. In this chapter you, are aspiring to become a master software developer. However, your aspiration conflicts with what people expect from you. Conventional wisdom tells you to take the highest-paying job and the first promotion you canContinue reading “The Long Road”

Retreat Into Competence

For this week’s blog post, I have decided to look at the apprenticeship pattern “retreat into competence”. The idea of this chapter is that you, a software developer, are beginning to realize how little you know, or that you have taken on a new challenge that is not working well in your favor, or yourContinue reading “Retreat Into Competence”

Confront Your Ignorance

For this week’s other blog post, I have decided to look at the chapter “Confront your ignorance”. This is somewhat a continuation of the previous chapter “Expose your ignorance”. The idea of this chapter is that you, a software developer, have found gaps in your skillset, gaps that are relevant to your daily work. TheseContinue reading “Confront Your Ignorance”

Exposing your Ignorance

For this week’s blog post, I have decided to look at the apprenticeship pattern “Exposing your ignorance”. The idea of this chapter is that you, a software developer, are being paid to know what you are doing. The problem is that you have become unfamiliar with some of the required technologies. This starts to fillContinue reading “Exposing your Ignorance”

Sprint 2 Retrospective

For this sprint my focus was to get the frontend and backend talking to each other. This worked well and now they are communicating and sharing data as seen from the commit below. During the sprint we like during the last one was on teams of three, three assigned to the frontend and three assignedContinue reading “Sprint 2 Retrospective”

Unleashing your Enthusiasm

For this week’s blog post, I have decided to look at the apprenticeship pattern “Unleash your Enthusiasm”. 11this chapter is all about you as a programmer being very excited about the craft of software development. However, you find that you are holding back and being more enthusiastic about the work your colleagues are doing. FearContinue reading “Unleashing your Enthusiasm”

The White Belt

For this week’s blog post, I have decided to look at the apprenticeship pattern “The White Belt”. This chapter talks about how you have gained a deep understanding of your first language and have become confident. However, you are struggling to learn new things and it has become more difficult to learn new skills. TheContinue reading “The White Belt”

Sprint 1 Retrospective

In this sprint I was working with a team of 6 individuals. With this group we decided to split into two teams, 3 people to work on the frontend and 3 people to work on the backend. During this sprint I was a part of the team working on the frontend.  Throughout the duration ofContinue reading “Sprint 1 Retrospective”

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